Hi there! My name is Valentina but everybody calls me Pelu. I was born in Cordoba, Argentina. I studied to become an English-Spanish translator at the National University of Cordoba (UNC). For many years, I have worked as an English teacher and as a freelance translator until I realized I wanted a twist in my life. I have always been passionate about traveling and exploring, so I radically changed my everyday life and became a non-stop traveler working for almost 2 years as a tour leader around South America, leading groups through Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, visiting amazing cities such as Rio de Janeiro, La Paz, Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Santiago de Chile, among others. I have also been wandering around Patagonia and its otherworldly landscapes! Even though I was born and raised in Cordoba and spent most of my life in this amazing city, I never had the chance to show it as I can do today! Now, for obvious reasons, I can’t move around as I would like to so what better opportunity to show you around my beautiful home town! Join me for some fun together, and let yourself be surprised by what Cordoba has to offer! Come and walk with me!