Live Tours are carried out by our hosts, who are outdoors, on location and connected live to you via video call at all times.
This walk is your personalized introduction to Barcelona. Especially for first time visitors or travelers who would like a general overview about the city. Barcelona is an enchanting seaside experience full of life. This stroll and briefing will help you understand this fascinating city. We will start our walk in the most famous street in town, Las Ramblas, where I would love to tell you briefly about its history and its people.
As we walk along, we will discover a little square called Plaza Real, a beautiful piazza decorated with palm trees. There, I will be ready to answer any and all practical questions you may have about food, culture, education, soccer, politics, local customs, and more!
Later, we will finish our stroll in front of La Boqueria, just steps off Las Ramblas. La Boqueria is Barcelona’s most famous fish and produce market and it will allow us to have a taste of local life.
Are you ready to Ramble?
Come walk with me!
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25 December 2020 at 19:46Definitely a MUST DO in Barcelona
We wanted to organise an activity with our big family to celebrate my fathers’ 70th birthday. Given the pandemia and the mobility restrictions, we were looking for something virtual and we happen to find this super idea of virtual tours. I admit we had our doubts about video quality, connectivity or even about the entertainment of it.
It was really worth it and Rafi is the best guide I’ve ever seen. Not only she showed us the beauties and secrets in the old town of this amazing city while guiding us through the 2 thousand history of it, but also she made us actually travel there and then. From the youngest to the oldest (25 people in 10 connections) we loved the tour and would definitely love to repeat it again. One last input: Even we, the locals of Barcelona enjoyed and rediscovered our city.
Helpful ReviewHost
8 January 2021 at 15:01Thank you very much for your kind words. The pleasure was mine!
Helpful ReviewAlfonso
22 September 2020 at 17:00Ha sido una experiencia genial. El itinerario combina arquitectura, urbanismo, arte e historia con pequeños detalles de la vida cotidiana. Rafi es muy clara y accesible en sus explicaciones, y transmite una sensación de cercanía y familiaridad que por momentos nos ha hecho olvidar que estábamos a miles de kilómetros de distancia. He hecho el tour con mis estudiantes de español de Jakarta, y puedo decir por ellos que están deseando volver a Barcelona. Así que, Rafi, mil gracias. Nos vemos pronto en otro paseo 🙂
Helpful Review 6Host
11 October 2020 at 14:40Gracias a vosotros. Ha sido un verdadero placer conectar con tus estudiantes que, desde la otra punta del mundo, conocen y se interesan por nuestra cultura. Cuando queráis, os espero para volver a pasear juntos por Barcelona 🙂 Saludos a todos.
Helpful Review