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Florence Cathedral to Dante’s House

Florence Cathedral to Dante’s House


Product Description

This itinerary focuses on the most important religious complex in Florence: the Cathedral, the Baptistry, Giotto’s bell tower and Brunelleschi’s Dome.

We’ll start by the South-West corner of the Cathedral square to get a full view of all four monuments together in one spectacular single frame; then, we will walk closer to the buildings to admire the decoration of the Baptistry, checking the exquisite details of Ghiberti’s most famous golden Gate of Paradise.

We will pause in front of the facade of the Duomo, as the locals call their cathedral, to take in the different shades of coloured marbles and statues. A walk around its perimeter will give us a real perspective of the grandiosity of this project.

The magnificent Dome, the ultimate work of Brunelleschi’s genius will see us out of the square and into  and into the medieval heart of the city; we will be passing by narrow cobbled stone streets, lined up with tiny shops and vinaini, the local eateries, to finally end up by the birth place of Italy greatest poet, Dante Alighieri.


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