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The Love of the Danes for their Royal Family!

The Love of the Danes for their Royal Family!


Product Description

The Legend of The Goddess Gefion, the Royal Pavilions, the district of Frederiksstaden with the beautiful Official Residence of the Danish Royal Family and a beautiful view of the Opera House are some of the highlights you will be able to enjoy on our tour of Copenhagen!

Founded by Bishop Absalon in 1167, Copenhagen became the royal capital of Denmark in 1416. Over the years each King and Queen left their mark on this beautiful capital by building remarkable landmarks. One of these special places is the district of Frederiksstaden which is considered to be one of the most important roccoco complexes in Europe. We will start with legends at the Fountain of Gefion and tales of the formation of the Danish Royal Family. We will explore the streets of Frederiksstaden that are lined by bourgeois houses, mansions and talk about the love of the Danes for their Royal Family while we enjoy the architecture of the Royal Residence Palace complex. We will end the tour with the most amazing over the water view of the fairly new Opera House which is facing the old Marmorkirke, two megastructures complementing each other.

I am very excited to share with you my love for my newfound home and the reasons behind the love of the Danes for their Royal Family. Come Walk With Me!


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