Product Description
Saint-Petersburg is recognized as one of the largest economic, cultural and scientific centers of Russia, Europe and the whole world. Its magnificent architectural ensembles, courtyards, splendid parks, unique monuments- all of this constantly arises interests among the tourists. Together we’ll grasp and appreciate the subtle atmosphere of the city, breath in the air of the mysterious Neva fogs!!
Founded by Peter the Great in 1703 the city was set to be ‘the window to Europe’. Nowadays it combines Russian and European traditions in the most exraordinary ways.
Despite its age Saint-Petersburg has witnessed a number of important historical events: three revolutions, the fall of the Empire and the Second World war. These are all issues to discuss. In addition to this you’ll also learn what makes Saint-Petersburg be reffered to as Venice of the North, how long the construction of the St.Isaak church lasted, what the story of the White Nights is all about and many more questions wait for being answered.
Our tour starts on St.Isaak square dominated by the church of the same name that can easily compete with St.Paul’s in London, St.Peter’s in Rome and Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence. After observing the spot we’ll proceed trough the Alexander’s garden-a place where locals stretch out on the grass and the newlyweds have their first pictures taken-towards the monument to Peter the Great. It’s the main attraction of the city also known as the Bronze Horseman due to the poem by Alexander Pushkin under the same name.
Senat square where the statue is located overlooks the river Neva, the main waterway of Saint-Petersburg which is the only river in Europe originally and purposefully included into the city architectural ensemble. The banks of it were built up with mensions and palaces of the Russian nobility as early as the 18th century. We’ll walk towards it to notice that this is the particular part of Saint-Petersburg that might remind you of Venice or bring back your memories of Paris while remaining the city of the White Nights-Saint-Petersburg!!! It looks forward to seeing you as its guest!
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