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A Fairy Tale Town Beyond Imagination

A Fairy Tale Town Beyond Imagination


Product Description

Have you ever imagined a town that looks like one of those fairy tales we used to read when we were children?

Well, this place exists and it is called Sintra.

Sited in centre of Portugal, perched on the Hill of the Moon, Sintral boasts spectacular architecture, delicious climate and lush vegetation.

Join me exploring the town with its narrow streets and jaw-dropping Velvederes (view points)… You will learn about its history in juicy anecdotes and interesting (and fun) facts. A town chosen by the Romantic artists as a retreat for inspiration, Sintra will change your idea of beauty. Sintra, with a mysterious building that belonged to a wealthy man and hosted ceremonies for wealthy adepts of cults and members of logias, an obsessive king that bankrupted the country to build a palace,a  foreign poet that stayed in an inn and worked in his poems and love deeds day and night. An impossible network of tunnels inside the mountain and much more in this town which may have a beautiful sun above but is rurounded in mystery and legend!

Meet me in Sintra, let me take you to a dream!


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