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Mendoza: The City of Sun and Great Wines

Mendoza: The City of Sun and Great Wines


Product Description

IMPORTANT: the tour starting time can be changed and arranged according to your time needs.

Mendoza is literally an oasis in the desert. If nobody told you, you wouldn’t know that the city, with all its beautiful tree-lined avenues and parks, was originally a desert. The “acequias” (irrigation ditches) run along the streets making it possible to keep it one of the greenest cities of the country with atmospheric plazas.

My hometown is on the west of Argentina near the dry Andes Mountains. We have about 300 sunny days in a year, and we really love it this way! The climate and the hard work allowed Mendoza to become one of the 10 Great Wine Capitals of the world. All around the place is full of wine shops, where you can get a huge diversity of local wines, from any of our more than 1000 wineries.

I’d love to invite you to walk with me in the very heart of the city and experience the laid-back vibes. We will start the tour on top of a terrace to get a panoramic view of the city and the backdrop of the mountains.  Then, we’ll see the leafy streets, Plaza España, and the Pedestrian Street with its lively cafes and restaurants. As we walk, I’ll share with you stories about our people, food, and lifestyle. We’ll finish in one of the best wine shops in town in order to tell you more about our famous Baccus’ elixir.

Join me to enjoy more of the world, to enjoy Mendoza: city of sun and good wine.


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